Antonyms Questions Answers

  • 1. Antonym of CAPRICIOUS

    1. Approximate
    2. Capricious
    3. Rational
    4. Discretionary
    Answer :

    Option C


    CAPRICIOUS meaning in Hindi : उथला

  • 2. Antonym of DEXTEROUS

    1. Able
    2. Active
    3. Acute
    4. Inexpert
    Answer :

    Option D


    DEXTEROUS meaning in Hindi : दक्ष

  • 3. Antonym of GUMPTION

    1. Sagacity
    2. Initiative
    3. Nerve
    4. Apathy
    Answer :

    Option D


    GUMPTION meaning in Hindi : सहज बुद्धि

  • 4. Antonym of TACIT

    1. Punish
    2. Dictated
    3. Grand
    4. Small
    Answer :

    Option B


    TACIT meaning in Hindi : मौन

  • 5. Antonym of PERCISE

    1. Indecent
    2. Vague
    3. Incorrect
    4. Indistinct
    Answer :

    Option B


    Precise mean clear and accurate.

  • 6. Antonym of INORDINATE

    1. Moderate
    2. Wanton
    3. Wasteful
    4. Dizzying
    Answer :

    Option A


    INORDINATE meaning in Hindi : अत्यधिक

  • 7. Antonym of REPRISAL

    1. Sympathy
    2. Avengement
    3. Avenging
    4. Retaliation
    Answer :

    Option A


    REPRISAL meaning in Hindi : बदला

  • 8. Antonym of APPALLING

    1. Shocking
    2. Consoling
    3. Scaring
    4. Horrifying
    Answer :

    Option B


    Appalling means shocking or extremely bad while consoling mean giving comfort.

  • 9. Antonym of FACILE

    1. Ready
    2. Profound
    3. Simple
    4. Shallow
    Answer :

    Option B


    FACILE meaning in Hindi : आसान

  • 10. Antonym of TERSE

    1. Incisive
    2. Lengthy
    3. Abrupt
    4. Compact
    Answer :

    Option B


    TERSE meaning in Hindi : संक्षिप्त रूप से

  • 11. Antonym of APPLAUD

    1. Praise
    2. Loud
    3. Acclaim
    4. Censure
    Answer :

    Option D


    Applaud mean to express praise for somebody while censure mean to criticize somebody.

  • 12. Antonym of NIGGARDLY

    1. Skimpy
    2. Generous
    3. Chintzy
    4. Closefisted
    Answer :

    Option B


    NIGGARDLY meaning in Hindi : थोड़ा सा

  • 13. Antonym of BARREN

    1. Desert
    2. Depleted
    3. Fertile
    4. Arid
    Answer :

    Option C


    BARREN meaning in Hindi :

  • 14. Antonym of FORTUITOUS

    1. Soft spoken
    2. Unlucky
    3. Lucky
    4. Harworking
    Answer :

    Option B


    FORTUITOUS meaning in Hindi : भाग्यशाली

  • 15. Antonym of FRIVOLOUS

    1. Trivial
    2. Silly
    3. Petty
    4. Wise
    Answer :

    Option C


    FRIVOLOUS meaning in Hindi : बेहूदा

  • 16. Antonym of JEST

    1. Sport
    2. Genial
    3. Gravity
    4. Grim
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 17. Antonym of PHILISTINE

    1. Smutty
    2. Uncultured
    3. Cultured
    4. Unpolished
    Answer :

    Option C


    PHILISTINE meaning in Hindi : विरयासक्त

  • 18. Antonym of THRIFTY

    1. Chary
    2. Extravagant
    3. Cheap
    4. Chintzy
    Answer :

    Option B


    THRIFTY meaning in Hindi : किफ़ायती

  • 19. Antonym of BELLYACHE

    1. Fuss
    2. Groan
    3. Appreciate
    4. Whine
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 20. Antonym of PLACATE

    1. Agitate
    2. Appease
    3. Cheer
    4. Pacify
    Answer :

    Option A


    PLACATE meaning in Hindi : शांत करना

  • 21. Antonym of APEX

    1. Nadir
    2. Zenith
    3. Sublimity
    4. Meridian
    Answer :

    Option A


    APEX meaning in Hindi : शिरोबिन्दु

  • 22. Antonym of DOLEFUL

    1. Lamentable
    2. Pitiful
    3. Dismal
    4. Glad
    Answer :

    Option D


    DOLEFUL meaning in Hindi : खिन्न

  • 23. Antonym of MITE

    1. Bit
    2. Bug
    3. Insect
    4. Whole
    Answer :

    Option D


    MITE meaning in Hindi : कुटकी

  • 24. Antonym of RECKLESS

    1. Careless
    2. Cautious
    3. Hasty
    4. Kooky
    Answer :

    Option B


    RECKLESS meaning in Hindi : लापरवाह

  • 25. Antonym of ERUDITE

    1. Brainy
    2. Savvy
    3. Studious
    4. Ignorant
    Answer :

    Option D


    ERUDITE meaning in Hindi : पाण्डित्यपूर्ण

  • 26. Antonym of IMPERIOUS

    1. Servile
    2. Arrogant
    3. Obligatory
    4. Tyrannous
    Answer :

    Option A


    IMPERIOUS meaning in Hindi : दंभपूर्ण

  • 27. Antonym of REPEL

    1. Attend
    2. Concentrate
    3. Continue
    4. Attract
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 28. Antonym of NEBULOUS

    1. 10,00,000 tonnes
    2. 15,00,000 tonnes
    3. 20,00,000 tonnes
    4. 25,00,000 tonnes
    5. Misty
    6. Apparent
    7. Murky
    8. Shadowy
    Answer :

    Option F


    NEBULOUS meaning in Hindi : अस्पष्ट

  • 29. Antonym of STOICAL

    1. Rs 5401 crore
    2. Rs 5301 crore
    3. Rs 5201 crore
    4. Rs 5101 crore
    5. Allof
    6. Cool
    7. Stolid
    8. Upset
    Answer :



    STOICAL meaning in Hindi : उदासीन

  • 30. Antonym of ENTANGLE

    1. 1997
    2. 1995
    3. 1996
    4. 2000
    5. Untwist
    6. Twist
    7. Hook
    8. Impede
    Answer :

    Option E


    ENTANGLE meaning in Hindi : उलझाना

  • 31. Antonym of CURTAIL

    1. 70
    2. 72
    3. 74
    4. Data Inadequate
    5. Cramp
    6. Prolong
    7. Chop
    8. Clip
    Answer :

    Option F


    CURTAIL meaning in Hindi : कम करना

  • 32. Antonym of EXTORTION

    1. 110 crores
    2. 210 crores
    3. 310 crores
    4. 410 crores
    5. Wholesomeness
    6. Stealing
    7. Fraud
    8. Rapacity
    Answer :

    Option E


    EXTORTION meaning in Hindi : झीनाझपटी

  • 33. Antonym of APPARENT

    1. 35 AH
    2. 4 AH
    3. 32 AH
    4. 7 AH
    5. Ambiguous
    6. Clear
    7. Visible
    8. Conspicuous
    Answer :

    Option E


    Apparent mean visible, easy to see or understand while Ambiguous mean no clear stated or defined.

  • 34. Antonym of COGENT

    1. Ineffective
    2. Valid
    3. Convictive
    4. Significant
    Answer :

    Option A


    COGENT meaning in Hindi : प्रभावशाली

  • 35. Antonym of GRUNT

    1. Complain
    2. Croak
    3. Find fault
    4. Applaud
    Answer :

    Option D


    GRUNT meaning in Hindi : भुनभुनाना

  • 36. Antonym of APOCRYPHAL

    1. Authentic
    2. Dubious
    3. Unsubstantiated
    4. Fictitious
    Answer :

    Option A


    Apocryphal means, of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.

  • 37. Antonym of DESPISE

    1. Appease
    2. Flatter
    3. Admire
    4. Appreciate
    Answer :

    Option D


    Despise means to dislike or to have no respect for somebody while Appreciate means to recognize the good qualities of somebody.

  • 38. Antonym of DEFILED

    1. Dishonored
    2. Dirty
    3. Sanctified
    4. Ravished
    Answer :

    Option C


    DEFILED meaning in Hindi : जूठा

    Example : This food is defiled.

  • 39. Antonym of DOCILE

    1. Unyielding
    2. Pliable
    3. Pliant
    4. Quiet
    Answer :

    Option A


    DOCILE meaning in Hindi : विनीत

  • 40. Antonym of DUCTILE

    1. Docile
    2. Pliable
    3. Stiff
    4. Supple
    Answer :

    Option C


    DUCTILE meaning in Hindi : तन्य

  • 41. Antonym of Abundant

    1. Short
    2. Meagre
    3. Limited
    4. Petty
    Answer :

    Option B


    Meager mean small in quantity while Abundant means existing in large quantity.

  • 42. Antonym of SARTORIAL

    1. Sincere
    2. Inelegant
    3. Cheerful
    4. Homespun
    Answer :

    Option D


    SARTORIAL meaning in Hindi : सिलाई संबंधी

  • 43. Antonym of DELIBIRATE

    1. Prudent
    2. Prepense
    3. Unwitting
    4. Provident
    Answer :

    Option C


    DELIBIRATE meaning in Hindi : ध्यानपूर्वक

  • 44. Antonym of GARBLED

    1. Slant
    2. Unscramble
    3. Obscure
    4. Pervert
    Answer :

    Option B


    GARBLED meaning in Hindi : अस्पष्ट

  • 45. Antonym of MITIGATE

    1. Abate
    2. Intensify
    3. Calm
    4. Compose
    Answer :

    Option B


    MITIGATE meaning in Hindi : कम करना

  • 46. Antonym of CUBERSOME

    1. Heavy
    2. Convenient
    3. Smooth
    4. Automatic
    Answer :

    Option B


    Cumbersome mean difficult to carry or use.

  • 47. Antonym of ABUNDANCE

    1. Wretchedness
    2. Poverty
    3. Famine
    4. Scarcity
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 48. Antonym of CALLOUS

    1. Soft
    2. Kind
    3. Sensitive
    4. Generous
    Answer :

    Option C


    Callous mean cruel, unfeeling.

  • 49. Antonym of GRUMPY

    1. Crabby
    2. Pettish
    3. Pleasant
    4. Surly
    Answer :

    Option C


    GRUMPY meaning in Hindi : तुनकमिजाज़

  • 50. Antonym of PACIFY

    1. Threaten
    2. Challenge
    3. Quarrel
    4. Enrage
    Answer :

    Option D


    Pacify mean to make calm or quite to somebody who is angry or upset while Enrage mean to make angry.

  • 51. Antonym of DISPENSABLE

    1. Disposable
    2. Minor
    3. Trivial
    4. Useful
    Answer :

    Option D


    DISPENSABLE meaning in Hindi : अनावश्यक

  • 52. Antonym of DREADFUL

    1. Pleasant
    2. Atrocious
    3. Awful
    4. Beastly
    Answer :

    Option A


    DREADFUL meaning in Hindi : भयंकर

  • 53. Antonym of PHILANTHROPIST

    1. Miser
    2. Spendthrift
    3. Moralist
    4. Philistine
    Answer :

    Option A


    Philanthropist means a person who denote money for good things.

  • 54. Antonym of WEAN

    1. Attach
    2. Detach
    3. Discourage
    4. Halt
    Answer :

    Option A


    WEAN meaning in Hindi : अलग करना

  • 55. Antonym of BELITTLE

    1. Blister
    2. Exaggerate
    3. Underestimate
    4. Write off
    Answer :

    Option B


    BELITTLE meaning in Hindi : छोटा समझना

  • 56. Antonym of AFFLUENCE

    1. Abundance
    2. Dearth
    3. Fortune
    4. Luxury
    Answer :

    Option B


    AFFLUENCE meaning in Hindi : समृद्धि

  • 57. Antonym of PROFLIGATE

    1. Abandoned
    2. Corrupt
    3. Moral
    4. Immoral
    Answer :

    Option C


    PROFLIGATE meaning in Hindi : अपव्ययी

  • 58. Antonym of ANXIOUS

    1. Fearful
    2. Calm
    3. Unconcerned
    4. Concerned
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 59. Antonym of SPORADIC

    1. Constant
    2. Exiguous
    3. Infrequent
    4. Trifling
    Answer :

    Option A


    SPORADIC meaning in Hindi :

  • 60. Antonym of AMENDING

    1. Alter
    2. Ameliorate
    3. Better
    4. Debase
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 61. Antonym of BENEVOLENT

    1. Benign
    2. Caring
    3. Humane
    4. Selfish
    Answer :

    Option D


    BENEVOLENT meaning in Hindi : परोपकारी

  • 62. Antonym of HARASS

    1. Reward
    2. Praise
    3. Flatter
    4. Relieve
    Answer :

    Option D


    Harass mean to worry somebody while Relieve mean reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain.

  • 63. Antonym of LUCID

    1. Evident
    2. Obvious
    3. Explicit
    4. Vague
    Answer :

    Option D


    LUCID meaning in Hindi : सुस्पष्ट

  • 64. Antonym of PACIFY

    1. Allay
    2. Incite
    3. Con
    4. Cool
    Answer :

    Option B


    PACIFY meaning in Hindi : शांत करना

  • 65. Antonym of ILLICIT

    1. Liberal
    2. Lawful
    3. Intelligent
    4. Clear
    Answer :

    Option B


    Illicit mean forbidden or Illegal.

  • 66. Antonym of STAGNATION

    1. Gloom
    2. Funk
    3. Boredom
    4. Elation
    Answer :

    Option D


    STAGNATION meaning in Hindi : निष्क्रियता

  • 67. Antonym of SENILE

    1. Doting
    2. Anile
    3. Alert
    4. Ancient
    Answer :

    Option C


    SENILE meaning in Hindi : बुढ़ापे के कारण सठियाया हुआ

  • 68. Antonym of GARRULOUS

    1. Frank
    2. Reticent
    3. Talkative
    4. Loquacious
    Answer :

    Option B


    GARRULOUS meaning in Hindi : बातूनी

  • 69. Antonym of INDUSTRIOUS

    1. Passive
    2. Indolent
    3. Passive
    4. Casual
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 70. Antonym of RETICENT

    1. Forward
    2. Sophisticated
    3. Developed
    4. Communicative
    Answer :

    Option D


    Reticent mean reserved or unwilling to tell people about things.

  • 71. Antonym of AMENITY

    1. Advantage
    2. Comfort
    3. Enrichment
    4. Abomination
    Answer :

    Option D


    AMENITY meaning in Hindi : सुविधा

  • 72. Antonym of PERNICIOUS

    1. Lethal
    2. Malign
    3. Nefarious
    4. Innocuous
    Answer :

    Option D


    PERNICIOUS meaning in Hindi : हानिकर

  • 73. Antonym of AMIABLE

    1. Crabby
    2. Affable
    3. Amicable
    4. Cheerful
    Answer :

    Option A


    AMIABLE meaning in Hindi : स्नेही

  • 74. Antonym of FACETIOUS

    1. Solemn
    2. Dizzy
    3. Niggling
    4. Amusing
    5. Manish and Pritam
    6. Amit and Kamla
    7. Rohit and Pritam
    8. All of the Above
    Answer :



    FACETIOUS meaning in Hindi : मज़ाकिया

  • 75. Antonym of QUIESCENT

    1. Active
    2. Asleep
    3. Deactivated
    4. Fallow
    5. Fourth to the right of Maruti.
    6. Between Bedford and Fargo.
    7. Next to the left of Bedford.
    8. Next to the left of Cadillac.
    Answer :

    Option E


    QUIESCENT meaning in Hindi : नष्क्रि

  • 76. Antonym of ELATED

    1. Upset
    2. Peppy
    3. Snappy
    4. Zestful
    Answer :

    Option A


    ELATED meaning in Hindi : प्रफुल्लित

  • 77. Antonym of CANDID

    1. Bluff
    2. Devious
    3. Equal
    4. Blunt
    Answer :

    Option B


    CANDID meaning in Hindi : स्पष्टवादी

  • 78. Antonym of ELATED

    1. Roused
    2. Blissful
    3. Sad
    4. Happy
    Answer :

    Option C


    ELATED meaning in Hindi : प्रफुल्लित

  • 79. Antonym of LOQUACIOUS

    1. Only assumption I is implicit
    2. Only assumption II is implicit
    3. Either I or II is implicit
    4. Neither I nor II is implicit
    5. Both I and II are implicit
    6. Talkative
    7. Tacitum
    8. Bashful
    9. Diffident
    Answer :



    Loquacious means talkative while Bashful means shy.

  • 80. Antonym of AGONY

    1. meet time constraints
    2. aim better resource sharing
    3. aim better system utilization
    4. aim low system overhead
    5. Only conclusion I follows
    6. Only conclusion II follows
    7. Either I or II follows
    8. Neither I nor II follows
    9. Both I and II follow
    Answer :

    Option F


    Agony means extreme physical and mental pain.

  • 81. Antonym of AGREEMENT

    1. Dislocation
    2. Turbulence
    3. Discord
    4. Fragmentation
    Answer :

    Option C


    Agreement mean a promise or a contract while discord mean disagreement or arguing.

  • 82. Antonym of STRINGENT

    1. Magnanimous
    2. Vehement
    3. General
    4. Lenient
    Answer :

    Option D


    STRINGENT meaning in hindi - सख्त

  • 83. Antonym of MAMMOTH

    1. Huge
    2. Tiny
    3. Prodigious
    4. Titanic
    Answer :

    Option B


    MAMMOTH meaning in Hindi : विशाल

  • 84. Antonym of PETULANT

    1. Complaining
    2. Peevish
    3. Captious
    4. Pleasant
    Answer :

    Option D


    PETULANT meaning in Hindi : बदमिजाज़

  • 85. Antonym of LIBERAL

    1. Wanting
    2. Aplenty
    3. Bounteous
    4. Bountiful
    Answer :

    Option A


    LIBERAL meaning in Hindi : आजाद/उदार

  • 86. Antonym of FRUGALITY

    1. Avarice
    2. Wastefulness
    3. Avariciousness
    4. Carefulness
    Answer :

    Option B


    FRUGALITY meaning in Hindi : मितव्ययिता

  • 87. Antonym of INGEST

    1. Disgorge
    2. Disrupt
    3. Absorb
    4. Devour
    Answer :

    Option A


    INGEST meaning in Hindi : खिलाना

    Example : The mother forced her baby to ingest the food.

  • 88. Antonym of ENIGMATIC

    1. Simple
    2. Reticent
    3. Plain
    4. Nervous
    Answer :

    Option A


    Enigmatic means mysterious or difficult to understand.

  • 89. Antonym of GRUESOME

    1. Attractive
    2. Gracious
    3. Amicable
    4. Beneficial
    Answer :

    Option B


    Gruesome means very unpleasant and filling you with horror while Gracious means kind or polite.

  • 90. Antonym of SQUEAK

    1. Cheep
    2. Creak
    3. Silence
    4. Cry
    Answer :

    Option C


    SQUEAK meaning in Hindi : चूँ-चूँ करना

  • 91. Antonym of HYPOCRITICAL

    1. Sincere
    2. Amiable
    3. Gentle
    4. Dependable
    Answer :

    Option A


    HYPOCRITICAL meaning in hindi - पाखंडी

  • 92. Antonym of DENIGRATE

    1. Asperse
    2. Boost
    3. Besmirch
    4. Vilify
    Answer :

    Option B


    DENIGRATE meaning in Hindi : आलोचना करना

  • 93. Antonym of DEVIANT

    1. Devious
    2. Regular
    3. Atypical
    4. Bent
    Answer :

    Option B


    DEVIANT meaning in Hindi : विकृत व्यक्ति

  • 94. Antonym of FASTIDIOUS

    1. Critical
    2. Choosy
    3. Uncouth
    4. Picky
    Answer :

    Option C


    FASTIDIOUS meaning in Hindi : तुनुक मिज़ाज

  • 95. Antonym of FIDELITY

    1. Disloyalty
    2. Allegiance
    3. Ardor
    4. Attachment
    Answer :

    Option A


    FIDELITY meaning in Hindi : वफ़ादारी

  • 96. Antonym of MERCY

    1. Affection
    2. Amity
    3. Malevolence
    4. Lenity
    Answer :

    Option C


    MERCY meaning in Hindi : दया

  • 97. Antonym of SHIRKED

    1. Meet
    2. Bypass
    3. Cheat
    4. Creep
    Answer :

    Option A


    SHIRKED meaning in Hindi : टालना

  • 98. Antonym of PIQUE

    1. Irk
    2. Joy
    3. Huff
    4. Hurt
    Answer :

    Option B


    PIQUE meaning in Hindi : ख़ीज

  • 99. Antonym of BRISK

    1. Agile
    2. Bustling
    3. Sluggish
    4. Nimble
    Answer :

    Option C


    BRISK meaning in Hindi : तेज़ होना

  • 100. Antonym of SPURIOUS

    1. Bogus
    2. Authentic
    3. Forged
    4. Simulated
    Answer :

    Option B


    SPURIOUS meaning in Hindi : झूठा/गलत/अवैध

  • 101. Antonym of NEPOTISM

    1. Discrimination
    2. Inclination
    3. Fairness
    4. Unfairness
    Answer :

    Option C


    NEPOTISM meaning in Hindi : भाई-भतीजावाद

  • 102. Antonym of EXODUS

    1. Migration
    2. Arrival
    3. Offgoing
    4. Retreat
    Answer :

    Option B


    EXODUS meaning in Hindi : बिदाई

  • 103. Antonym of GIGANTIC

    1. Tiny
    2. Fragile
    3. Slight
    4. Weak
    Answer :

    Option A


    Gigantic mean extremely large or huge.

  • 104. Antonym of SMUG

    1. Jubliant
    2. Unhappy
    3. Self-satisfied
    4. Pompous
    Answer :

    Option B


    SMUG meaning in Hindi : आत्म सन्तुष्ट

  • 105. Antonym of STIGMA

    1. Blame
    2. Blot
    3. Taint
    4. Credit
    Answer :

    Option D


    STIGMA meaning in Hindi : कलंक

  • 106. Antonym of CHARMING

    1. Insolent
    2. Indignant
    3. Repulsive
    4. Handicapped
    Answer :

    Option C


    Charming mean very attractive while Repulsive mean a feeling of strong dislike.

  • 107. Antonym of ARDUOUS

    1. Facile
    2. Burdensome
    3. Fatiguing
    4. Severe
    Answer :

    Option A


    ARDUOUS meaning in Hindi : कठिन

  • 108. Antonym of AGONY

    1. Bliss
    2. Laughter
    3. Pleasure
    4. Estuary
    Answer :

    Option C


    Agony means extreme physical and mental pain.

  • 109. Antonym of DOLEFUL

    1. Empty
    2. Full
    3. Witty
    4. Vivacious
    Answer :

    Option D


    DOLEFUL meaning in Hindi : खिन्न

  • 110. Antonym of RECONDITE

    1. Occult
    2. Pedantic
    3. Hermetic
    4. Manifest
    Answer :

    Option D


    RECONDITE meaning in Hindi : गूढ़ गहन

  • 111. Antonym of Curtail

    1. Lengthen
    2. Shorten
    3. Entail
    4. Close
    Answer :

    Option A


    Curtail mean to limit something or make it last for a shorten time while lengthen mean to make something longer.

  • 112. Antonym of PALTRY

    1. Base
    2. Beggarly
    3. Worthy
    4. Cheap
    Answer :

    Option C


    PALTRY meaning in Hindi : तुच्छ

  • 113. Antonym of HUMILITY

    1. Unpretentiousness
    2. Unobtrusiveness
    3. Timorousness
    4. Arrogance
    Answer :

    Option A


    HUMILITY meaning in Hindi : नम्रता

  • 114. Antonym of SUCCUMBED

    1. Accede
    2. Conquer
    3. Defer
    4. Croak
    Answer :

    Option B


    SUCCUMBED meaning in Hindi : हार मान लेना

  • 115. Antonym of JADE

    1. Defend
    2. Cheer
    3. Grasp
    4. Harass
    Answer :

    Option B


    Jade mean harass, make tried or bored while cheer mean to show support.

  • 116. Antonym of FALLACIOUS

    1. Credit
    2. Clean
    3. Truthful
    4. Dishonest
    Answer :

    Option C


    FALLACIOUS meaning in Hindi : दोषयुक्त

  • 117. Antonym of RETREAT

    1. Ebb
    2. Arrival
    3. Evacuation
    4. Flight
    Answer :

    Option B


    RETREAT meaning in Hindi : चले जाना

  • 118. Antonym of PARSIMONY

    1. Verbosity
    2. Generosity
    3. Clan
    4. Tenderness
    Answer :

    Option B


    PARSIMONY meaning in Hindi : कंजूसी

  • 119. Antonym of PRODIGAL

    1. Spendthrift
    2. Squandering
    3. Thrifty
    4. Wanton
    Answer :

    Option C


    PRODIGAL meaning in Hindi : फ़ुजूलखर्ची

  • 120. Antonym of AMENABLE

    1. Uncooperative
    2. Persuadable
    3. Biddable
    4. Docile
    Answer :

    Option A


    AMENABLE meaning in Hindi :जवाबदेही/आज्ञाकारी/वश्य

  • 121. Antonym of HARMONIOUS

    1. Accordant
    2. Cacophonous
    3. Adapted
    4. Amicable
    Answer :

    Option B


    HARMONIOUS meaning in Hindi : मैत्रीपूर्ण

  • 122. Antonym of ATHEIST

    1. Rationalist
    2. Theologist
    3. Ritualistic
    4. Believer
    Answer :

    Option D


    Atheist mean a person who believe that god does not exist.

  • 123. Antonym of INTELLIGIBLE

    1. Confused
    2. Foolish
    3. Garbled
    4. Dull
    Answer :

    Option A


    Intelligible mean that can be understood.

  • 124. Antonym of DEFORM

    1. Contort
    2. Blemish
    3. Batter
    4. Beautify
    Answer :

    Option D


    DEFORM meaning in Hindi : विकृत करना

  • 125. Antonym of AGREEMENT

    1. Dislocation
    2. Turbulence
    3. Discord
    4. Fragmentation
    Answer :

    Option C


    Agreement mean a promise or a contract while discord mean disagreement or arguing.

  • 126. Antonym of RETICENT

    1. Forward
    2. Sophisticated
    3. Developed
    4. Communicative
    Answer :

    Option D


    Reticent mean reserved or unwilling to tell people about things.

  • 127. Antonym of APOCRYPHAL

    1. Authentic
    2. Dubious
    3. Unsubstantiated
    4. Fictitious
    Answer :

    Option A


    Apocryphal means, of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.

  • 128. Antonym of APPALLING

    1. Shocking
    2. Consoling
    3. Scaring
    4. Horrifying
    Answer :

    Option B


    Appalling means shocking or extremely bad while consoling mean giving comfort.

  • 129. Antonym of AGONY

    1. Bliss
    2. Laughter
    3. Pleasure
    4. Estuary
    Answer :

    Option C


    Agony means extreme physical and mental pain.

  • 130. Antonym of PERCISE

    1. Indecent
    2. Vague
    3. Incorrect
    4. Indistinct
    Answer :

    Option B


    Precise mean clear and accurate.

  • 131. Antonym of REPEL

    1. Attend
    2. Concentrate
    3. Continue
    4. Attract
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 132. Antonym of JEST

    1. Sport
    2. Genial
    3. Gravity
    4. Grim
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 133. Antonym of APPLAUD

    1. Praise
    2. Loud
    3. Acclaim
    4. Censure
    Answer :

    Option D


    Applaud mean to express praise for somebody while censure mean to criticize somebody.

  • 134. Antonym of PACIFY

    1. Threaten
    2. Challenge
    3. Quarrel
    4. Enrage
    Answer :

    Option D


    Pacify mean to make calm or quite to somebody who is angry or upset while Enrage mean to make angry.

  • 135. Antonym of ATHEIST

    1. Rationalist
    2. Theologist
    3. Ritualistic
    4. Believer
    Answer :

    Option D


    Atheist mean a person who believe that god does not exist.

  • 136. Antonym of Curtail

    1. Lengthen
    2. Shorten
    3. Entail
    4. Close
    Answer :

    Option A


    Curtail mean to limit something or make it last for a shorten time while lengthen mean to make something longer.

  • 137. Antonym of JADE

    1. Defend
    2. Cheer
    3. Grasp
    4. Harass
    Answer :

    Option B


    Jade mean harass, make tried or bored while cheer mean to show support.

  • 138. Antonym of APPARENT

    1. Ambiguous
    2. Clear
    3. Visible
    4. Conspicuous
    Answer :

    Option A


    Apparent mean visible, easy to see or understand while Ambiguous mean no clear stated or defined.

  • 139. Antonym of ILLICIT

    1. Liberal
    2. Lawful
    3. Intelligent
    4. Clear
    Answer :

    Option B


    Illicit mean forbidden or Illegal.

  • 140. Antonym of ENIGMATIC

    1. Simple
    2. Reticent
    3. Plain
    4. Nervous
    Answer :

    Option A


    Enigmatic means mysterious or difficult to understand.

  • 141. Antonym of HARASS

    1. Reward
    2. Praise
    3. Flatter
    4. Relieve
    Answer :

    Option D


    Harass mean to worry somebody while Relieve mean reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain.

  • 142. Antonym of GIGANTIC

    1. Tiny
    2. Fragile
    3. Slight
    4. Weak
    Answer :

    Option A


    Gigantic mean extremely large or huge.

  • 143. Antonym of CALLOUS

    1. Soft
    2. Kind
    3. Sensitive
    4. Generous
    Answer :

    Option C


    Callous mean cruel, unfeeling.

  • 144. Antonym of Abundant

    1. Short
    2. Meagre
    3. Limited
    4. Petty
    Answer :

    Option B


    Meager mean small in quantity while Abundant means existing in large quantity.

  • 145. Antonym of CHARMING

    1. Insolent
    2. Indignant
    3. Repulsive
    4. Handicapped
    Answer :

    Option C


    Charming mean very attractive while Repulsive mean a feeling of strong dislike.

  • 146. Antonym of GRUESOME

    1. Attractive
    2. Gracious
    3. Amicable
    4. Beneficial
    Answer :

    Option B


    Gruesome means very unpleasant and filling you with horror while Gracious means kind or polite.

  • 147. Antonym of CUBERSOME

    1. Heavy
    2. Convenient
    3. Smooth
    4. Automatic
    Answer :

    Option B


    Cumbersome mean difficult to carry or use.

  • 148. Antonym of INTELLIGIBLE

    1. Confused
    2. Foolish
    3. Garbled
    4. Dull
    Answer :

    Option A


    Intelligible mean that can be understood.

  • 149. Antonym of ANXIOUS

    1. Fearful
    2. Calm
    3. Unconcerned
    4. Concerned
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 150. Antonym of DESPISE

    1. Appease
    2. Flatter
    3. Admire
    4. Appreciate
    Answer :

    Option D


    Despise means to dislike or to have no respect for somebody while Appreciate means to recognize the good qualities of somebody.

  • 151. Antonym of LOQUACIOUS

    1. Talkative
    2. Tacitum
    3. Bashful
    4. Diffident
    Answer :

    Option C


    Loquacious means talkative while Bashful means shy.

  • 152. Antonym of PHILANTHROPIST

    1. Miser
    2. Spendthrift
    3. Moralist
    4. Philistine
    Answer :

    Option A


    Philanthropist means a person who denote money for good things.

  • 153. Antonym of ABUNDANCE

    1. Wretchedness
    2. Poverty
    3. Famine
    4. Scarcity
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 154. Antonym of HYPOCRITICAL

    1. Sincere
    2. Amiable
    3. Gentle
    4. Dependable
    Answer :

    Option A


    HYPOCRITICAL meaning in hindi - पाखंडी

  • 155. Antonym of Obey

    1. attract
    2. disobey
    3. respond
    4. agree
    Answer :

    Option B


    Obey meaning in hindi is आज्ञा का पालन

  • 156. Antonym of STRINGENT

    1. Magnanimous
    2. Vehement
    3. General
    4. Lenient
    Answer :

    Option D


    STRINGENT meaning in hindi - सख्त

  • 157. Antonym of Anger

    1. party
    2. irritation
    3. voilence
    4. love
    Answer :

    Option D


    Anger meaning in hindi is क्रोध

  • 158. Antonym of Wealthy

    1. famous
    2. comfortable
    3. harmful
    4. made of money
    5. poor
    Answer :

    Option E


    Wealthy meaning in hindi is धनी

  • 159. Antonym of Antipathy

    1. willingness
    2. aversion
    3. fondness
    4. hate
    Answer :

    Option C


    Antipathy meaning in hindi is घृणा

  • 160. Antonym of Eulogistic

    1. pretty
    2. critical
    3. appreciative
    4. brief
    5. praiseful
    Answer :

    Option B


    Eulogistic meaning in hindi is प्रशंसात्मक

  • 161. Antonym of Ponderous

    1. thoughtless
    2. dull
    3. simple
    4. lifeless
    Answer :

    Option C


    Ponderous meaning in hindi is कष्टकारक

  • 162. Antonym of Genuine

    1. unsound
    2. absolute
    3. bogus
    4. official
    Answer :

    Option C


    Genuine meaning in hindi is वास्तविक

  • 163. Antonym of Extravagant

    1. economical
    2. fancy
    3. disappearing
    4. foolish
    5. wonderful
    Answer :

    Option A


    Extravagant meaning in hindi is असाधारण

  • 164. Antonym of Ingenuity

    1. sentimental
    2. genius
    3. skilfulness
    4. brightness
    5. dullness
    Answer :

    Option E


    Ingenuity meaning in hindi is सरलता

  • 165. Antonym of Neophyte

    1. tasteless
    2. greenhorn
    3. orthodox
    4. freshman
    5. old
    Answer :

    Option E


    Neophyte meaning in hindi is नवछात्रा

  • 166. Antonym of Gullible

    1. uncompanionable
    2. foolish
    3. unreliable
    4. rigid
    5. innocent
    Answer :

    Option D


    Gullible meaning in hindi is भोला

  • 167. Antonym of Wane

    1. fatten
    2. die down
    3. prosper
    4. drop
    Answer :

    Option C


    Wane meaning in hindi is पतन

  • 168. Antonym of Impeccable

    1. repulsive
    2. accurate
    3. reasonable
    4. nice
    5. faulty
    Answer :

    Option E


    Impeccable meaning in hindi is त्रुटिहीन

  • 169. Antonym of Heterogeneous

    1. colourful
    2. diverse
    3. homogeneous
    4. confused
    Answer :

    Option C


    Heterogeneous meaning in hindi is विजातीय

  • 170. Antonym of Synchronize

    1. discordant
    2. integrate
    3. consequent
    4. following
    5. adjust
    Answer :

    Option A


    Synchronize meaning in hindi is एक ही समय में होना/ तालमेल बनाना

  • 171. Antonym of Mundane

    1. extraordinary
    2. normal
    3. excellent
    4. heavenly
    Answer :

    Option D


    Mundane meaning in hindi is सांसारिक

  • 172. Antonym of Retrogressive

    1. bettering
    2. inverted
    3. progressive
    4. furthering
    5. forwarding
    Answer :

    Option C


    Retrogressive meaning in hindi is प्रतिगामी/परावर्तन

  • 173. Antonym of Vanguard

    1. echelon
    2. leaders
    3. regiment
    4. front
    5. rear
    Answer :

    Option E


    Vanguard meaning in hindi is मोहरा

  • 174. Antonym of Gnome

    1. small
    2. fairy
    3. gloom
    4. giant
    Answer :

    Option D


    Gnome meaning in hindi is सूक्ति

  • 175. Antonym of Alleviation

    1. exaggeration
    2. mitigation
    3. magnification
    4. aggravation
    5. comfort
    Answer :

    Option D


    Alleviation meaning in hindi is उपशमन

  • 176. Antonym of Autonomous

    1. magnanimous
    2. self-governing
    3. operational
    4. uncontrolled
    5. dependent
    Answer :

    Option E


    Autonomous meaning in hindi is स्वायत्त

  • 177. Antonym of Militant

    1. active
    2. spiritual
    3. pacifist
    4. fighting
    Answer :

    Option C


    Militant meaning in hindi is उग्रवादी

  • 178. Antonym of Accepted

    1. considered
    2. receive
    3. noted
    4. established
    5. rejected
    Answer :

    Option E


    Accepted meaning in hindi is स्वीकार किए जाते हैं

  • 179. Antonym of Husbandry

    1. hard labour
    2. land management
    3. wastefulness
    4. tillage
    Answer :

    Option C


    Husbandry meaning in hindi is कृषि

  • 180. Antonym of Exalt

    1. advance
    2. distinguish
    3. depreciate
    4. ennoble
    5. simplify
    Answer :

    Option C


    Exalt meaning in hindi is प्रशंसा करना

  • 181. Antonym of Parallelism

    1. divergence
    2. equality
    3. contrast
    4. appearance
    Answer :

    Option A


    Parallelism meaning in hindi is समानता

  • 182. Antonym of Clemency

    1. compromise
    2. moderation
    3. transformation
    4. intolerance
    5. kindness
    Answer :

    Option D


    Clemency meaning in hindi is दया

  • 183. Antonym of Ephemeral

    1. permanent
    2. short-lived
    3. ethical
    4. temporary
    Answer :

    Option A


    Ephemeral meaning in hindi is अल्पकालिक

  • 184. Antonym of Deserter

    1. sympathiser
    2. loyalist
    3. criminal
    4. flatterer
    Answer :

    Option B


    Deserter meaning in hindi is भगोड़ा

  • 185. Antonym of Auspicious

    1. conspicuous
    2. unfavourable
    3. hopeful
    4. fortunate
    5. golden
    Answer :

    Option B


    Auspicious meaning in hindi is शुभ

  • 186. Antonym of Compliant

    1. appreciative
    2. adamant
    3. flexible
    4. elementary
    5. manageable
    Answer :

    Option B


    Compliant meaning in hindi is आज्ञाकारी

  • 187. Antonym of Hypothesis

    1. suppressed
    2. fact
    3. conclusive
    4. assumption
    5. conjecture
    Answer :

    Option B


    Hypothesis meaning in hindi is परिकल्पना

  • 188. Antonym of Sacerdotal

    1. layman
    2. apostolic
    3. religious minded
    4. sacred
    Answer :

    Option A


    Sacerdotal meaning in hindi is पुरोहिती/याजकीय

  • 189. Antonym of Labyrinthine

    1. clear
    2. twisting
    3. complex
    4. straight
    Answer :

    Option D


    Labyrinthine meaning in hindi is जटिल

  • 190. Antonym of Noisome

    1. dirty
    2. harmful
    3. clean
    4. fragrant
    5. smelly
    Answer :

    Option D


    Noisome meaning in hindi is दुर्गंध

  • 191. Antonym of Analogous

    1. showy
    2. kindred
    3. related
    4. dissimilar
    5. consonant
    Answer :

    Option D


    Analogous meaning in hindi is अनुरूप

  • 192. Antonym of Craven

    1. greedy
    2. fearful
    3. rampaging
    4. cowardly
    5. brave
    Answer :

    Option E


    Craven meaning in hindi is डरपोक

  • 193. Antonym of Audacious

    1. cowardly
    2. risky
    3. extremely daring
    4. fearless
    Answer :

    Option A


    Audacious meaning in hindi is साहसी

  • 194. Antonym of Derogatory

    1. conferred
    2. critical
    3. praising
    4. depreciative
    Answer :

    Option C


    Derogatory meaning in hindi is अपमानजनक

  • 195. Antonym of Churlish

    1. courteous
    2. vulgar
    3. morose
    4. naughty
    5. modest
    Answer :

    Option A


    Churlish meaning in hindi is अक्खड़

  • 196. Antonym of Laconic

    1. wicked
    2. verbose
    3. brief
    4. fragrance
    5. short and sweet
    Answer :

    Option B


    Laconic meaning in hindi is संक्षिप्त

  • 197. Antonym of Prim

    1. formal
    2. informal
    3. correct
    4. stickling
    Answer :

    Option B


    Prim meaning in hindi is अतिनिष्ठावान

  • 198. Antonym of Objurgation

    1. rebuke
    2. critism
    3. elegy
    4. implication
    5. praise
    Answer :

    Option E


    Objurgation meaning in hindi is डाँट

  • 199. Antonym of Loved

    1. defamed
    2. refused
    3. beloved
    4. hated
    5. precious
    Answer :

    Option D


    Loved meaning in hindi is प्यार किया

  • 200. Antonym of Quell

    1. incite
    2. overcome
    3. recommend
    4. silence
    Answer :

    Option A


    Quell meaning in hindi is वश में करना

  • 201. Antonym of Malign

    1. slander
    2. praise
    3. disparage
    4. hateful
    5. pernicious
    Answer :

    Option B


    Malign meaning in hindi is दुष्ट

  • 202. Antonym of Blithe

    1. cheerfulness
    2. light-hearted
    3. joyless
    4. carefree
    5. joyful
    Answer :

    Option C


    Blithe meaning in hindi is पुलकित/प्रसन्नचित

  • 203. Antonym of Fluster

    1. disconcert
    2. acclaim
    3. disturbance
    4. arrange
    5. agitation
    Answer :

    Option D


    Fluster meaning in hindi is घबड़ाहट

  • 204. Antonym of Euphoria

    1. significant
    2. musical
    3. rapture
    4. strident
    5. lethargy
    Answer :

    Option E


    Euphoria meaning in hindi is उत्साह

  • 205. Antonym of Virtuous

    1. vulgar
    2. domestic
    3. vicious
    4. honest
    5. worthy
    Answer :

    Option C


    Virtuous meaning in hindi is धार्मिक

  • 206. Antonym of Taciturnity

    1. endorsement
    2. coldness
    3. transparency
    4. suppression
    5. reciprocity
    Answer :

    Option E


    Taciturnity meaning in hindi is चुप्पी

  • 207. Antonym of Extrovert

    1. boaster
    2. show-off
    3. introvert
    4. character
    Answer :

    Option C


    Extrovert meaning in hindi is बहिर्मुखी

  • 208. Antonym of Inspired

    1. overwhelmed
    2. dispirted
    3. disillusioned
    4. sceptical
    5. excited
    Answer :

    Option B


    Inspired meaning in hindi is प्रेरित

  • 209. Antonym of Exhume

    1. dig
    2. integrate
    3. disclose
    4. enter
    5. reveal
    Answer :

    Option D


    Exhume meaning in hindi is पृथ्वी खोद कर निकालना

  • 210. Antonym of Invincible

    1. conquerable
    2. powerful
    3. invulnerable
    4. invulnerable
    5. ancient
    Answer :

    Option A


    Invincible meaning in hindi is अजेय

  • 211. Antonym of Fiasco

    1. mansion
    2. disaster
    3. success
    4. failure
    5. pollution
    Answer :

    Option C


    Fiasco meaning i hindi is असफलता

  • 212. Antonym of Desultory

    1. lacking order
    2. disconnected
    3. aimless
    4. chance
    5. pertinent
    Answer :

    Option E


    Desultory meaning in hindi is अनियमित

  • 213. Antonym of Erudite

    1. unfamiliar
    2. knowledgeable
    3. illiterate
    4. ignorant
    5. learned
    Answer :

    Option D


    Erudite meaning in hindi is वैज्ञानिक

  • 214. Antonym of Transparent

    1. translucent
    2. opaque
    3. plain
    4. blind
    5. glassy
    Answer :

    Option B


    Transparent meaning in hindi is पारदर्शक

  • 215. Antonym of Odious

    1. insignificant
    2. cacophony
    3. repulsive
    4. pleasant
    5. offensive
    Answer :

    Option D


    Odious meaning in hindi is घिनौना

  • 216. Antonym of Urbanity

    1. crudeness
    2. dignity
    3. affability
    4. style
    5. rustic
    Answer :

    Option E


    Urbanity meaning in hindi is सौम्यता

  • 217. Antonym of Outwit

    1. defeat
    2. victory
    3. deceive
    4. confuse
    5. None
    Answer :

    Option A


    Outwit meaning in hindi is चतुरता में मात देना

  • 218. Antonym of Vividly

    1. unintentionally
    2. unimpressively
    3. graphically
    4. sharply
    5. unscrupulously
    Answer :

    Option B


    Vividly meaning in hindi is ताजा

  • 219. Antonym of Urban

    1. rustic
    2. citified
    3. rural
    4. town
    5. domestic
    Answer :

    Option C


    Urban meaning in hindi is शहरी

  • 220. Antonym of Inflexible

    1. yielding
    2. rigid
    3. obedient
    4. determined
    5. single- minded
    Answer :

    Option A


    Inflexible meaning in hindi is अनम्य

  • 221. Antonym of Considerable

    1. inattentive
    2. inadequate
    3. appreciable
    4. comfortable
    Answer :

    Option B


    Considerable meaning in hindi is महत्वपूर्ण

  • 222. Antonym of Strident

    1. melodious
    2. musical
    3. pleasant
    4. noisy
    5. boisterous
    Answer :

    Option C


    Strident meaning in hindi is तेज़

  • 223. Antonym of Stagnant

    1. flamboyance
    2. effervescence
    3. standing
    4. listless
    5. mobile
    Answer :

    Option E


    Stagnant meaning in hindi is स्थिर

  • 224. Antonym of Copious

    1. little
    2. bountiful
    3. accommodative
    4. overflowing
    5. plentiful
    Answer :

    Option A


    Copious meaning in hindi is प्रचुर

  • 225. Antonym of Vivacious

    1. bright
    2. languid
    3. playful
    4. breezy
    Answer :

    Option B


    Vivacious meaning in hindi is गरमागरम

  • 226. Antonym of Dastard

    1. open
    2. concise
    3. craven
    4. brave
    5. sneak
    Answer :

    Option D


    Dastard meaning in hindi is डरपोक

  • 227. Antonym of Erratic

    1. punctual
    2. irregular
    3. variable
    4. right
    Answer :

    Option D


    Erratic meaning in hindi is अनियमित

  • 228. Antonym of Devious

    1. abnormal
    2. underhanded
    3. sneaking
    4. direct
    Answer :

    Option D


    Devious meaning in hindi is चालाक

  • 229. Antonym of Deferential

    1. distinguishable
    2. respectful
    3. disrespectful
    4. obedient
    5. submissive
    Answer :

    Option C


    Deferential meaning in hindi is आदरसूचक

  • 230. Antonym of Nefarious

    1. neglected
    2. emperious
    3. benign
    4. delightful
    5. honorable
    Answer :

    Option C


    Nefarious meaning in hindi is बेईमान

  • 231. Antonym of Gasconade

    1. illusive
    2. advertise
    3. modesty
    4. cleanliness
    Answer :

    Option C


    Gasconade meaning in hindi is शेखी मारना

  • 232. Antonym of Rubicund

    1. reddish
    2. pallid
    3. florid
    4. dangerous
    5. indicative
    Answer :

    Option B


    Rubicund meaning in hindi is रक्तिम/खसरा

  • 233. Antonym of Haggard

    1. plump
    2. fatigued
    3. maidenly
    4. exhausted
    5. shrewd
    Answer :

    Option A


    Haggard meaning in hindi is जंगली

  • 234. Antonym of Austerity

    1. ascetic
    2. hardness
    3. extreme
    4. formality
    5. lenience
    Answer :

    Option E


    Austerity meaning in hindi is तपस्या

  • 235. Antonym of Unruly

    1. intelligent
    2. obedient
    3. impulsive
    4. forward
    5. curious
    Answer :

    Option B


    Unruly meaning in hindi is अनियंत्रित

  • 236. Antonym of Debonair

    1. awkward
    2. pleasant
    3. sportive
    4. cheerful
    5. balmy
    Answer :

    Option A


    Debonair meaning in hindi is ख़ुशदिल

  • 237. Antonym of Isolation

    1. segregation
    2. segregation
    3. hardihood
    4. association
    5. seclusion
    Answer :

    Option D


    Isolation meaning in hindi is अलगाव

  • 238. Antonym of Releases

    1. absolution
    2. strengthens
    3. floater
    4. liberates
    5. confines
    Answer :

    Option E


    Releases meaning in hindi is विज्ञप्ति

  • 239. Antonym of Sophisticated

    1. domestic
    2. artificial
    3. civil
    4. mature
    5. rustic
    Answer :

    Option E


    Sophisticated meaning in hindi is जटिल

  • 240. Antonym of Inevitable

    1. half-baked
    2. determined
    3. uncertain
    4. necessary
    5. unavoidable
    Answer :

    Option C


    Inevitable meaning in hindi is अपरिहार्य

  • 241. Antonym of Fabulous

    1. commonplace
    2. poor
    3. literary
    4. awesome
    5. first-class
    Answer :

    Option B


    Fabulous meaning in hindi is शानदार

  • 242. Antonym of Laudation

    1. criticism
    2. esteem
    3. simplification
    4. flattery
    5. less
    Answer :

    Option A


    Laudation meaning in hindi is प्रशंसा

  • 243. Antonym of Hard

    1. delicate
    2. strong
    3. soft
    4. rigid
    5. less
    Answer :

    Option C


    Hard meaning in hindi is कठिन

  • 244. Antonym of Fecund

    1. unpolughed
    2. reproducing
    3. barren
    4. fruitful
    Answer :

    Option C


    Fecund meaning in hindi is फलप्रद/उपजाऊ

  • 245. Antonym of Malefactor

    1. supervisor
    2. outcast
    3. performer
    4. rascal
    5. benefactor
    Answer :

    Option E


    Malefactor meaning in hindi is अपराधी

  • 246. Antonym of Extrinsic

    1. reputable
    2. acquired
    3. outside
    4. inherent
    5. ambitious
    Answer :

    Option D


    Extrinsic meaning in hindi is पराया

  • 247. Antonym of Ruthless

    1. militant
    2. killer
    3. majestic
    4. severe
    5. merciful
    Answer :

    Option E


    Ruthless meaning in hindi is क्रूर

  • 248. Antonym of Baffle

    1. make away
    2. disconcert
    3. substitute
    4. mix up
    5. confuse
    Answer :

    Option A


    Baffle meaning in hindi is चकरा देना

  • 249. Antonym of Flamboyant

    1. multi-coloured
    2. quiet
    3. angry
    4. rich
    5. flaming
    Answer :

    Option B


    Flamboyant meaning in hindi is चमकीला

  • 250. Antonym of Clarity

    1. exaggeration
    2. confusion
    3. simplicity
    4. palpability
    Answer :

    Option B


    Clarity meaning in hindi is स्पष्टता

  • 251. Antonym of Predicament

    1. certainly
    2. posture
    3. confidence
    4. circumstance
    5. fantasy
    Answer :

    Option E


    Predicament meaning in hindi is स्थिति

  • 252. Antonym of Felicitous

    1. effeminate
    2. apposite
    3. sensuous
    4. inspired
    5. inappropriate
    Answer :

    Option E


    Felicitous meaning in hindi is परम सुखी

  • 253. Antonym of Come

    1. fast
    2. go
    3. be ready
    4. arrive
    5. play
    Answer :

    Option B


    Come meaning in hindi is आना

  • 254. Antonym of Bestial

    1. boorish
    2. cruel
    3. least acceptable
    4. noble
    Answer :

    Option D


    Bestial meaning in hindi is गंवार/असभ्य

  • 255. Antonym of Inquisitive

    1. uninterested
    2. analytical
    3. indolent
    4. investigative
    Answer :

    Option A


    Inquisitive meaning in hindi is जिज्ञासु

  • 256. Antonym of Languid

    1. sluggish
    2. fashionable
    3. inactive
    4. cheerful
    5. sickly
    Answer :

    Option D


    Languid meaning in hindi is निस्तेज

  • 257. Antonym of Objective

    1. equitable
    2. personal
    3. open-minded
    4. intimate
    Answer :

    Option B


    Objective meaning in hindi is लक्ष्य

  • 258. Antonym of Reprimand

    1. admonition
    2. encourage
    3. blame
    4. recommend
    5. grooming
    Answer :

    Option B


    Reprimand meaning in hindi is डांटना

  • 259. Antonym of Antiquity

    1. antique
    2. youthfulness
    3. ruin
    4. recent
    Answer :

    Option D


    Antiquity meaning in hindi is पुरातनता

  • 260. Antonym of Obloquy

    1. criticism
    2. praise
    3. ignominy
    4. hate
    5. circle
    Answer :

    Option B


    Obloquy meaning in hindi is बदनामी

  • 261. Antonym of Anathematize

    1. bless
    2. execrate
    3. deceive
    4. radiate
    5. comminate
    Answer :

    Option A


    Anathematize meaning in hindi is शाप देना

  • 262. Antonym of Candid

    1. taciturn
    2. sincere
    3. frank
    4. equitable
    Answer :

    Option A


    Candid meaning in hindi is खरा

  • 263. Antonym of Deleterious

    1. nourishing
    2. destroying
    3. benevolent
    4. injurious
    Answer :

    Option A


    Deleterious meaning in hindi is हानिकारक

  • 264. Antonym of Demented

    1. hysterical
    2. calm
    3. foolish
    4. original
    Answer :

    Option B


    Demented meaning in hindi is बावला

  • 265. Antonym of Arduous

    1. exertion
    2. painful
    3. easy
    4. trying
    Answer :

    Option C


    Arduous meaning in hindi is कठिन

  • 266. Antonym of Kith

    1. outfit
    2. extraction
    3. strangers
    4. kindred
    Answer :

    Option C


    Kith meaning in hindi is परिचित

  • 267. Antonym of Rueful

    1. colourless
    2. permitted
    3. apologetic
    4. impertinent
    Answer :

    Option D


    Rueful meaning in hindi is उदास

  • 268. Antonym of Euphonious

    1. sweet-sounding
    2. distasteful
    3. lethargic
    4. melodious
    5. strident
    Answer :

    Option E


    Euphonious meaning in hindi is श्रुतिमधुर

  • 269. Antonym of Chaffing

    1. capitalistic
    2. crust
    3. serious
    4. rubbish
    Answer :

    Option C


    Chaffing meaning in hindi is क्रोधित करना/खीजना

  • 270. Antonym of Deleterious

    1. practical
    2. harmful
    3. harmless
    4. destructive
    5. ruining
    Answer :

    Option C


    Deleterious meaning in hindi is हानिकारक

  • 271. Antonym of Antediluvian

    1. ancient
    2. celebration
    3. modern
    4. antiquated
    Answer :

    Option C


    Antediluvian meaning in hindi is पुराना/दकियानूसी

  • 272. Antonym of Callous

    1. compact
    2. heartless
    3. hardened
    4. soft
    5. impassive
    Answer :

    Option D


    Callous meaning in hindi is कठोर

  • 273. Antonym of Probity

    1. truthfulness
    2. cleanliness
    3. integrity
    4. corruption
    Answer :

    Option D


    Probity meaning in hindi is प्रोबिटी

  • 274. Antonym of Frugal

    1. charitable
    2. generous
    3. extravagant
    4. careful
    5. unwasteful
    Answer :

    Option C


    Frugal meaning in hindi is मितव्ययी

  • 275. Antonym of Endow

    1. establish
    2. snatch
    3. subscribe
    4. dispossess
    Answer :

    Option D


    Endow meaning in hindi is प्रदान करना

  • 276. Antonym of Rectitude

    1. integrity
    2. goodness
    3. smoothness
    4. firmness
    5. deception
    Answer :

    Option E


    Rectitude meaning in hindi is सच्चाई

  • 277. Antonym of Laceration

    1. injury
    2. healing
    3. slice
    4. insensitivity
    5. preoccupation
    Answer :

    Option B


    Laceration meaning in hindi is छेदन

  • 278. Antonym of Corpulence

    1. overweight
    2. poverty
    3. cheerful
    4. portliness
    5. slender
    Answer :

    Option E


    Corpulence meaning in hindi is मोटापा

  • 279. Antonym of Brilliant

    1. luminous
    2. fulgent
    3. apparent
    4. dull
    Answer :

    Option D


    Brilliant meaning in hindi is प्रतिभाशाली

  • 280. Antonym of Wholesome

    1. complete
    2. weak
    3. healthful
    4. ethical
    Answer :

    Option B


    Wholesome meaning in hindi is पौष्टिक

  • 281. Antonym of Avidity

    1. carelessness
    2. greediness
    3. over-active
    4. cupidity
    5. stupidity
    Answer :

    Option A


    Avidity meaning in hindi is उत्सुकता

  • 282. Antonym of Nominal

    1. huge
    2. seeming
    3. solid
    4. mentioned
    5. clear
    Answer :

    Option A


    Nominal meaning in hindi is नाममात्र

  • 283. Antonym of Exhilarate

    1. inspiring
    2. gladden
    3. inspirit
    4. depress
    Answer :

    Option D


    Exhilarate meaning in hindi is हर्षित करना/होना

  • 284. Antonym of Transparent

    1. translucent
    2. lucid
    3. crystalline
    4. opaque
    Answer :

    Option D


    Transparent meaning in hindi is पारदर्शक

  • 285. Antonym of Morose

    1. churlish
    2. gloomy
    3. sad
    4. cheerful
    Answer :

    Option D


    Morose meaning in hindi is उदास

  • 286. Antonym of Glossy

    1. dedicated
    2. polished
    3. dull
    4. bright
    Answer :

    Option C


    Glossy meaning in hindi is चमकदार

  • 287. Antonym of Extrovert

    1. social
    2. boaster
    3. character
    4. showboat
    5. introvert
    Answer :

    Option E


    Extrovert meaning in hindi is बहिर्मुखी

  • 288. Antonym of Dull

    1. colourful
    2. boring
    3. foolish
    4. thick
    5. shining
    Answer :

    Option E


    Dull meaning in hindi is कुंठित

  • 289. Antonym of Embellish

    1. overstate
    2. garnish
    3. disfigure
    4. enhance
    5. disarm
    Answer :

    Option C


    Embellish meaning in hindi is संवारना

  • 290. Antonym of Deviate

    1. contrast
    2. concentrate
    3. break
    4. digress
    5. follow
    Answer :

    Option E


    Deviate meaning in hindi is हटना

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