Synonyms Questions Answers

  • 15. Synonym of Fastidious

    1. overconfidence
    2. undemanding
    3. finicky
    4. uncareful
    Answer :

    Option C


    Fastidious meaning in hindi- दुराराध्य

  • 16. Synonym of Compulsion

    1. freedom
    2. liberty
    3. license
    4. being compelled
    Answer :

    Option D


    Compulsion meaning in hindi- विवशता

  • 17. Synonym of Incitement

    1. hindrance
    2. stir up
    3. noise
    4. stimulate
    Answer :

    Option B


    Incitement meaning in hindi- शह

  • 18. Synonym of Gargoyle

    1. garish
    2. stone spout
    3. vile
    4. golden eagle
    Answer :

    Option B


    Gargoyle meaning in hindi- परनाला

  • 19. Synonym of Upheaval

    1. harmony
    2. miracle
    3. radical change
    4. slow change
    Answer :

    Option C


    Upheaval meaning in hindi- उथल-पुथल

  • 20. Synonym of Proscribe

    1. banish
    2. prescribe
    3. permit
    4. compliment
    Answer :

    Option A


    Proscribe meaning in hindi- त्याग करना

  • 21. Synonym of Respite

    1. short break
    2. commencement
    3. fatigue
    4. continuation
    Answer :

    Option A


    Respite meaning in hindi- मोहलत

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