Sequence of Sentences Exercises

  • 43. P: the nostrils and out through the mouth
    Q: centred instead on breathing in deeply through
    R: away from these thoughts and
    S: the focus must then be taken

    1. SRQP
    2. RQPS
    3. PSQR
    4. QRSP
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 44. Find correct sequence of sentences :

    P: of humans and the results
    Q: of this can be seen
    R: they tampered with the evolution
    S: practically everywhere

    1. PQRS
    2. RPQS
    3. QPSR
    4. QRPS
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 45. Find correct sequence of sentences :

    P: a strong stance
    Q: She soon developed political
    R: against slavery.
    S: inclinations and took

    1. QSPR
    2. PRQS
    3. RQPS
    4. SPQR
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 46. Find correct sequence of sentences :

    P: 10 weeks to eat all of
    Q: for an entire year
    R: the food you needed
    S: imagine if you had just

    1. QRSP
    2. SPQR
    3. SPRQ
    4. PQRS
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 47. Find correct sequence of sentences :

    P: This being the case,
    Q: it is generally believed that proficient reading depends
    R: on the ability to recognize words
    S: quickly and effortlessly

    1. RPQS
    2. PQRS
    3. QPRS
    4. SQRP
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 48. Find correct sequence of sentences :

    1: Several times I have
    P: by a blowpipe dart but a cigarette placed
    Q: parallel to the ground is missed
    R: put a cigarette on end in a tree
    S: and watched it be pinned to the bark
    6: seven times out of ten.

    1. PQSR
    2. RSPQ
    3. RPQS
    4. QSPR
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 49. P: within minutes,
    Q: help can be on its way
    R: and chances of survival
    S: are increased

    1. SRPQ
    2. QPSR
    3. PQRS
    4. RSQP
    Answer :

    Option C

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