Linux Objective Questions Answers

  • 22. In the shell, by default, all variables are considered and stored as ?

    1. integer
    2. string
    3. float
    4. chracter
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 23. Which command in LINUX is used for description of any command ?

    1. help
    2. man
    3. detail
    4. shortdetal
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 24. Kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of internal data buffer which helps to increase the response time, this is known as ?

    1. Buffer cache
    2. Spooling
    3. Pooling
    4. Virtual Memory
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 25. What is true about chmod +t ?

    1. It will set effective userid for filename
    2. It will set effective groupid for filename
    3. It will set the sticky bit
    4. It is wrong syntax
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 26. Which command in vi editor command is used to copy the current line of the file ?

    1. ys
    2. yc
    3. yy
    4. yw
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 27. By which command content of a file can be searched ?

    1. grep
    2. search
    3. srh
    4. show
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 28. Which command is used to determine the path of an executable file ?

    1. which
    2. whom
    3. locate
    4. wex
    Answer :

    Option A

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