Indian Economy Questions Answers

  • 43. What is term Hot Money used for ?

    1. black money
    2. white money
    3. a money which is hard to come but easy to go
    4. a money which comes easily and goes easily too
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 44. First five year plan in India was from

    1. 1947 - 1952
    2. 1949 - 1954
    3. 1950 - 1955
    4. 1951 - 1956
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 45. The best indicator of economic development of any country is ?

    1. read the story of other nations
    2. not react to other actions
    3. have a better understanding of other nations
    4. have vital contacts with other nations
    5. Its agriculture
    6. Its transport
    7. Its gross production
    8. Its per capita income
    Answer :


  • 46. National Rural Employment Programme started in ?

    1. 1979
    2. 1980
    3. 1981
    4. 1982
    Answer :

    Option B

  • 47. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) established in

    1. 1964
    2. 1965
    3. 1966
    4. 1967
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 48. Who is known as father of economics ?

    1. Adam Smith
    2. Max Muller
    3. Joy Chaterjee
    4. Amritya Sen
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 49. What is NASO ?

    1. National Agriculture Science Organisation
    2. National Agriculture Study Organisation
    3. National Auto Science Organisation
    4. National Sample Survey Organisation
    Answer :

    Option D

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