Important Inventions
21. Who invented Electron ?
Thomson. J of Britain in 1897
22. Who invented Floppy disk ?
IBM in 1970
23. Who invented Neutron ?
24. Who invented Refrigerator ?
James Harrison by Alexander catlin in 1850
25. Who invented Safety Pin ?
Walter Hunt of U.S.A. in 1849
26. Who invented Safety razor ?
King Camp Gillette of U.S.A. in 1903
27. Who invented Stainless Steel ?
Harry Brearley of Britain in 1913.
28. Who invented Steam Engine ?
Thomas Savery of Britain in 1698
29. Who invented Steam Engine (Piston)
Thomas Newcomen of Britain in 1712
30. Who invented Steam Engine (Condenser)
James Watt of Britain in 1765
31. Who invented watch ?
Bartholomew Manfredi of Italy in 1462.
32. Who invented Transformer ?
Michael Faraday of Britain in 1831.
33. Who invented X-ray ?
W.K. Roentgen of Germany in 1895.
34. Who invented Aspirin ?
Dreser of Germany in 1889.
35. Who invented Chemotherapy ?
Paracelsus of Switzerland
36. Who invented Bacteria ?
Leeuwenhock of Netherlands in 1683
37. Who invented Biochemistry ?
Jan Baptista Van Helmont of Belgium in 1648.
38. Who invented Blood Transfusion ?
Jean-Baptiste Denys of France in 1625.
39. Who invented Morphine ?
Friderich Sertumer of Germany in 1805
40. Who invented Bakelite ?
Leo H. Baekeland of Belgium in 1907.