Important Inventions

  • 21. Who invented Electron ?

    Thomson. J of Britain in 1897

  • 22. Who invented Floppy disk ?

    IBM in 1970

  • 23. Who invented Neutron ?

    JAMES CHADWICK in 1932

  • 24. Who invented Refrigerator ?

    James Harrison by Alexander catlin in 1850

  • 25. Who invented Safety Pin ?

    Walter Hunt of U.S.A. in 1849

  • 26. Who invented Safety razor ?

    King Camp Gillette of U.S.A. in 1903

  • 27. Who invented Stainless Steel ?

    Harry Brearley of Britain in 1913.

  • 28. Who invented Steam Engine ?

    Thomas Savery of Britain in 1698

  • 29. Who invented Steam Engine (Piston)

    Thomas Newcomen of Britain in 1712

  • 30. Who invented Steam Engine (Condenser)

    James Watt of Britain in 1765

  • 31. Who invented watch ?

    Bartholomew Manfredi of Italy in 1462.

  • 32. Who invented Transformer ?

    Michael Faraday of Britain in 1831.

  • 33. Who invented X-ray ?

    W.K. Roentgen of Germany in 1895.

  • 34. Who invented Aspirin ?

    Dreser of Germany in 1889.

  • 35. Who invented Chemotherapy ?

    Paracelsus of Switzerland

  • 36. Who invented Bacteria ?

    Leeuwenhock of Netherlands in 1683

  • 37. Who invented Biochemistry ?

    Jan Baptista Van Helmont of Belgium in 1648.

  • 38. Who invented Blood Transfusion ?

    Jean-Baptiste Denys of France in 1625.

  • 39. Who invented Morphine ?

    Friderich Sertumer of Germany in 1805

  • 40. Who invented Bakelite ?

    Leo H. Baekeland of Belgium in 1907.

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