Chemistry Questions Answers

  • 43. Which is also called Stranger Gas ?

    1. Xenon
    2. Neon
    3. Argon
    4. Nitrous oxide
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 44. The major component used in preparation of different types of glasses is :

    1. Sodium borate
    2. Sodium silicate
    3. Silica
    4. Calcium silicate
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 45. The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for

    1. polyvinyl chloride
    2. polyvinyl carbobate
    3. phosphor vanadiu chloride
    4. phosphavinyl chloride
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 46. Alloys made with mercury as one metal are called ?

    1. mixtures
    2. emulsions
    3. solders
    4. amalgams
    Answer :

    Option D

  • 47. What is Calcium sulphate ?

    1. epsom salt
    2. blue vitriol
    3. gypsum salt
    4. potash alum
    Answer :

    Option C

  • 48. Oxides of metals are alkaline.

    1. TRUE
    2. FALSE
    Answer :

    Option A

  • 49. Which have maximum number of isotopes ?

    1. Bromine
    2. Aluminium
    3. Polonium
    4. Carbon
    Answer :

    Option C

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