C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1
36. Which is invalid name of identifier
- world
- addition23
- test_name
- factorial
Answer :
37. printf() belongs to which library of c
- stdlib.h
- stdio.h
- stdout.h
- stdoutput.h
Answer :
Option B
38. Difference between calloc() and malloc()
- calloc() takes a single argument while malloc() needs two arguments
- malloc() takes a single argument while calloc() needs two arguments
- malloc() initializes the allocated memory to ZERO
- calloc() initializes the allocated memory to NULL
Answer :
Option B
39. What is the purpose of getc()
- read a character from STDIN
- read a character from a file
- read all file
- read file random
Answer :
Option B
40. Any type of modification on the parameter inside the function will reflect in actual variable value can be related to
- call by value
- call by reference
- both of above
- none of above
Answer :
Option B